Shariah Compliance

Shariah Advisory and Internal Halal Committee

Shariah Org Chart

Shariah Advisory Committee Policy

Shariah compliance process is a course of action which ensures that the products, facilities, services, operations and transactions are implemented in line with Shariah requirements and prescribed by the Shariah Advisory Committee in its Shariah decisions.
To set up the Shariah Compliance Committee in each of our manufacturing process and is held responsible for all matters pertaining to Shariah compliance in our supply chain in order to meet the Halal standards and requirements through continuous strengthening of employee’s Halal awareness and implementing the Halal Assurance Management System (HAS).
Ensure that the Shariah Compliance Management System is implemented to maintain and ensure sustainability of products, facilities, services, operations, transactions, production process and transportation are implemented in line with Shariah requirements and prescribed by the Shariah Advisory Committee in its Shariah decisions.

Visit by Dr. Luqman Abdullah, JAKIM

Cytopeutics, the first Malaysian Stem Cells company endorsed by JAKIM to be Shariah Compliant. Visit by Datuk Dr. Luqman bin Haji Abdullah, Mufti Wilayah Persekutuan to Cytopeutics.
Shariah Advisor
Other Contributions
2006 – 2014:
Ahli Lembaga Penasihat Penyelarasan Pelajaran dan Pendidikan Agama Islam (LEPAI) by ahli Majlis Raja-raja.
2015 – 2018:
Panel Perunding Majlis Perundingan Islam (MPI) Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM).
2012 – Present:
Executive Director Yayasan Pembangunan Pondok Malaysia.

Shariah Advisor – Dato’ Dr. Mashitah Ibrahim Profile

1977 - 1982
Kedah-born child in secondary education at Mahmud College, Alor Setar, Kedah.
1984 - 1987
Bachelor of Interpretation and Hadith from Al-Azhar University of Egypt.
1988 - 2004
Dato’ Dr. Mashitah Ibrahim is well known in the national higher education arena as she served as a lecturer at the International Islamic University of Malaysia (UIAM) for 16 years.
Master’s degree in ‘Revealed Knowledge and Heritage’ from UIAM.
Shariah Islamic Master’s Degree.
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Shariah Islamiyyah from Darul Ulum, University of Cairo, Egypt.
2004 - 2008
Won the Baling Parliament in 2004 General Elections and continued to be trusted by the Government to serve as Parliamentary Secretary in the Prime Minister’s Department.
Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi appointed her Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department through her appointments as a Senator.
2020 - 2022
Appointed to the Board of Directors of the Islamic University of Malaysia (USIM) for a two-year period. Her appointment was made by YB Dato’ Noraini Ahmad, Minister of Higher education is in accordance with Section 17 (1) (f) of the USIM Constitution (Private Representative).

Visit by Cytopeutic’s Shariah Advisor – Dato’ Dr Mashitah

Dato’ Dr Mashitah visit to Production Laboratory.
Dato’ Dr Mashitah “It is permissible for Muslim to use stem cells for the treatment of medical conditions.”

Internal Halal Committee

Internal Halal Committee chart

Halal Objectives

Halal Assurance System is implemented to be responsible for developing, monitoring, and controlling the halal assurance system to ensure its effectiveness and sustainability of production processes according to Halal requirements and standards to meet the requirements through continuous strengthening of employee’s Halal awareness and implementing the Halal Assurance Management System (HAS).

To achieve the standard of our Halal policy, we will ensure that:
Complains about the quality of our products in term of safety and efficacy will be reduced for each year.
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Halal Policy

‘Halal’ is anything which is permissible in Islam and good for human being.Halal assurance has become an important parameter in the selection of consumer goods of all products.Halal Assurance System (HAS) is an integrated management system which is developed, implemented, and maintained to manage materials, production processes, products, human resources, and procedures in order to maintain the sustainability of halal production process in accordance with Halal requirements.

Cytopeutics Sdn. Bhd is committed to producing high-quality halal products in compliance with Halal guidelines issued by Islamic Religious authorities. Cytopeutics Sdn. Bhd is committed: To ensure our halal products are safe and effective for the treatment of indicated diseases; with high quality standards of ingredients and production; and processed hygienically in order to meet current halal standards and requirements, Good Manufacturing Practice guidelines, ISO Quality Management System standards and other relevant requirements of halal pharmaceutical as required by competent halal authorities and other related regulatory authorities.
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