Clinical & Research

Led by Dr Chin Sze Piaw

Dr Chin has extensive experience in clinical stem cell research, numerous patents, grants awards, regulatory approvals and publications for Cytopeutics in collaboration with hospitals and universities locally and internationally.

Cytopeutics®: Pioneering Stem Cell Research & Development

Cytopeutics® is the multi-award winning and trusted provider of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) for clinical trials and treatment in the Asia-Pacific region. With nearly two decades of evidence-based research and development, joint effort with scientists around the world, Cytopeutics® is also at the cutting edge of research exploring the potential of multicellular immunotherapy, including cytokine-induced killer cells (CIK) and polarized M2 macrophages.
Regulatory Approval
Malaysia's precedent CGTP CTX license to provide stem cells (Cyto-MSC) for clinical investigational use.
World Class Facility
cGMP certified by NPRA (MOH)
Global Recognition
USA Patents for Acute Stroke, Diabetes, and Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis treatment.
Halal According to Shariah
Endorsed by International Islamic Fiqh Academy (IIFA)
cGMP Lab
World class CGMP lab and CTX license.
Safety & Efficacy
Long track record of safety and efficacy.
USA Patents
Patented in the USA with landmark research.

Professional. Responsible. Evidence-based.

Cytopeutics® has concluded several clinical trial phase IIb/IIIa programs in partnerships with major universities and hospitals locally and internationally. These programs were approved by our ethics committees and national stem cell regulatory committee and registered with the US NIH registry.

Clinical Trial Programs

We are recognized by the Ministry of Health, with ongoing & completed clinical trial programs audited and approved by the National Stem Cell Research & Ethics Sub Committee and Medical Research Ethics Committee. In addition we are constantly striving to improve our cell quality and explore all of its potential through laboratory and animal research.

Find out more about our research at various stages of development:
Diabetes & Complications
Heart Attack, Heart Failure & Lung Disease
Stroke, Brain & Spinal Cord Injuries
Arthritis & Sport Injuries
Cancer, Infections
Autoimmune Diseases, GVHD
Foot Ulcer, Poor Healing Wound
Kidney Disease
Eye Disease
Liver Disease
Hormonal Balance
Hair and Skin
Wellness, Aging & Frailty

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